About me

Barbara Konat, fot. Adrian Wykrota

Barbara Konat

Academic interests:

  • Computational linguistics, corpus methods, machine learning for NLP.
  • Dialogical approaches to argumentation, rhetoric and pragmatics.

My previous experience includes: PI in R&D Sentimenti.pl,  researcher in  Institute of Philosophy and Sociology , Polish Academy of Sciences,  lecturer at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Post-Doc at the Centre for Argument Technology (ARG-tech), University of Dundee.

Find me on Google Scholar, Researchgate, LinkedIn, ORCID, and Twitter.


Dr. Barbara Konat is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. She earned her PhD in Philosophy with a specialization in social communication from the same institution. Her research spans argumentation theory, psycholinguistics, and computational rhetoric, with a particular focus on emotional appeals in natural language argumentation.

Dr. Konat was a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Argument Technology, University of Dundee, where she deepened her expertise in computational argumentation. As Principal Investigator of the „Sentimenti” project, funded by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development, she led a team of psychologists and computational scientists in analysing emotions in language. Currently, she collaborates closely with psychologists at her faculty, conducting research involving human subjects and co-operating internationally with interdisciplinary research teams. She is also the Principal Investigator of „Computational Pathos,” a project supported by the Polish National Science Centre.

Her publications appear in journals such as Argumentation, Philosophy & Technology, and Metaphor and the Social World. She also reviews for prominent journals, including Argumentation, Argument and Computation, AI Communications, and Informal Logic, as well as for conferences like the European Conference on AI (ECAI). Additionally, she has participated in grant review panels for the Polish National Science Centre (NCN), and internationally in Chist-Era, and EU Horizon monitoring. Dr. Konat served as vice-president of the ArgDiaP: Argumentation, Dialogue, Persuasion association in Poland in 2023 and remains active in the argumentation community through participation in and organisation of conferences and events.